What is WIC?

The Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) is a USDA-sponsored program designed to assist families by providing monthly food benefits to supplement their food budget. The program also supports healthy eating, physical activity, and overall wellness of growing families by providing free services that include nutrition and health information, breastfeeding support, and referrals to healthcare and other community resources.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women
  • New mothers, (or recent pregnancy loss); OR
  • Have a child or care for a child under age 5; AND
  • Have low-to-medium income or receive Medi-Cal, CalWORKs (TANF), OR CalFresh (SNAP) benefits; AND
  • Live in California.

WIC is also open to partners, grandparents, foster parents, and guardians.

For more information on eligibility, office locations, and WIC grocery stores visit MyFamily.WIC.ca.gov or call 1-888 WIC-WORKS (1-888-942-9675).

To see if you are eligible for WIC, you can use the WIC Eligibility Assessment