Diaper Bank

During the Fall of 2020, we became a partner with the OC Diaper Bank Program via the Community Action Partnership of Orange County (CAPOC). CAPOC is one of only five diaper banks in California, providing diapers to different partner agencies throughout Orange County which now includes the UCI Basic Needs Center.

Today, the Diaper Bank at the Basic Needs Center provides student parents with a monthly supplement of diapers or pull-ups.

*Please note, any new diaper forms received in September, will be available in October.

How to use the diaper bank:

  • Pick up diapers/pull-ups once a month at the UCI Basic Needs Center (800 W Peltason Dr.)
  • Hours of pick up are during Basic Needs Center’s hours of operation. The schedule varies weekly, so please visit our Contact page to view our weekly schedule
  • Come by again each month until your child grows out of the largest size or if the service is no longer needed!

*If you are already signed up for the Diaper Bank and would like to change your diaper size, submit a change size request form. Please note that you must submit your size request by the 15th of the month to receive the updated size the following month. If you request a new size between the 16th – 31st of a month, you will receive the updated size 2 months after requesting. We are only able to reserve diapers once per month and only order the exact amount of diapers requested from each member. Thank you for your understanding.
